A day off and Kelly at work so I thought I'd venture out for a little walk. Kelly had tried to explain to me how her Lumix works but in the end she set it for an idiot to operate and said, "Just point and press!" So I ventured out in the Autumn sunshine and wind and headed to a few spots to see what I could shoot. There's a back lane called Fillpoke Lane at a tiny village called High Hesleden on the way to the east Durham coast. As you can see (right), it's a fairly wooded area and as you get about half way down there's a clearing where I think a Hen Harrier hangs out in the Autumn and Winter. At least I think it's a Hen Harrier but can never get close enough to 100% identify it, but it looks like one?! Anyway, I parked up at the top of the lane and walked about half mile down to the clearing hoping to see the 'Hen Harrier'. I couldn't see it so had a look about and thought I'd practice with the camera. So lined up a nice shot of a tree with some pretty good cloud behind it, pressed the button and "NO MEMORY CARD INSTALLED" flashed up on the screen. My thoughts went back to the other night when Kelly turned the lap top off and said, "damn I've left the memory card in the lappy". So I walked back to the car and went back home to get the card. Text Kelly about what had happened and she text back saying "I did tell you!" Not quite a consolation as I trudged back up the lane.
I returned to the spot about half hour later but didn't get a sighting of my Harrier. I'm so frustrated because a work colleague thinks it's a Red Kite but you cannot get close enough to tell before it flies off. I know there's a difference but it's a tough call. It seems to be looking for prey, which isn't really a Kite characteristic. I need a good telescopic lens and a good hide for the day, armed with a flask and some butties for the best shot.

Anyway I walked back to the car which was parked outside the farm yard in High Hesleden. As I approached my bright red Aygo I saw a black and white cat in the little paddock to the front of the yard. It looked very alert and jumping around, as I got closer I saw the reason for it's excitement. To my surprise it had cornered a Wood Mouse, the cat appeared to be playing with the rodent but equally the mouse was rearing up to the cats advances. Both seemed totally oblivious to my presence and I was within inches of the encounter as you can see (left). After a minute or so I thought I would mess with nature as I was fully aware of the cats intentions and I'm not the biggest of cat lovers so I tried to separate the mouse, which was now tiring and the playful Feline. Unfortunately for me, and the Wood Mouse the cat was much to fast and with a blink of an eye the cat was off into the woods adjacent with the doomed rodent in it's mouth. Sorry Jerry I did try!

I jumped in the car and headed to the coast to see what I could see and maybe catch the last of the Little Terns before they headed south for the winter. I parked up at Crimdon and headed off towards the fenced off site which is manned by volunteers to keep an eye on the rare Little Terns. I wasn't having much luck, they had gone and so had the Ringed Plovers who colonise with the Terns. So the only photo I got was the wooden sculpture symbolising the tiny seabirds annual visit to breed and rear their young amongst the pebbled beach. Which by the way you can get a £2,500 fine if you get to close. Apparently this years nesting season was very successful with up to sixty pairs breeding, unlike the year before where only 22 pairs were successful. This is probably due to the demise of the female Kestrel which I saw at the side of the road on Fillpoke Lane in early March, she had hammered the site in 2010. Unfortunately leaving only a male to bother the Terns, which he never had much luck as I witnessed in June. His attempts were countered by the Little Terns and he was sent on his way to patrol the A1086 for his prey.
So, with the weather closing in and icy rain driving in from the North West I headed home and tried to download my piccys onto the lap top. I was quite surprised, especially with the shots of the cat and the mouse RIP. I will never be as good as Kelly and the Lumix is far to complicated for this thick Yorkshireman but I enjoyed playing.
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