Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Thanks Kel...

Being brought up in Sheffield, I often had chance to go into the Peak district at the weekends with my parents and have a few nice walks around Froggatt Edge and adventurous walks down the Derwent around a place my parents (and many others) called 'The Surprise'.
I joined the army and spent a lot of time hiking in the Cotswolds and South Wales. I would say I have put some miles in and seen some gorgeous countryside. I've even had the pleasure of taking part in an expedition in The Rocky mountains, hiking in the Oman, Italy, Norway, the list goes on.
Then I met my girlfriend Kelly and we shared the love of the outdoors. However, she found it hard to believe I'd never set foot in the Lake District.
"All this adventure in your life and you've never been to Keswick" she would ask and seemed bemused by my negative answers.
So about 2 and a half years ago we set off for Keswick,apparently a place I'd "never want to leave". As we drove along the A66 I caught my first ever sight of Blencathra and nearly crashed the car.
" I think I better drive" were Kelly's words as we pulled over and swapped seats. I could not take my eyes of these majestic mountains and hills I was encountering for the first time. As we got closer to Keswick, the words "ohhh look at that one" must have left my mouth about a dozen times as I jumped around the car pointing at different peaks.
Then it happened, just before we took a left off the A66, Kelly pointed at the most beautiful mountain ever, she announced with a cheeky smile, "that's my favourite, that ones called Skiddaw!"
My chin hit the floor, I looked at her and she said, already knowing my answer, "so, do you like it here??"
Two and half years, 30 Wainwrights and probably the same amount of visits later answered her question.
I will never be able to thank her enough for introducing me to the Lake District, we have been known to drive there and back in a day to get my 'fix' of this beautiful part of the country.
And you were right, I never want to leave the place, thanks Kel!

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