Monday, 11 July 2011

Past few days

Whilst waiting for my new car to be delivered I've I've had a few 'different' days at and off work. I applied for the Animal Liaison Officer and actually got an interview. I did a lot of research to develop the role as it was a new post. I spent ages looking at figures and coming up with the main problems and some solutions. I was quite nervous going into the interview as I've not had many I settled and started to enjoy answering the questions, babbled on slightly but got my point across. I left the room feeling very confident. Got a call about 4 hours later to say I hadn't got the job, found out later an officer who worked in the same office as two of the interviewers had got the got, should I feel bitter!?!? Oh well as my girlfriend says, everything happens for a reason.
On Saturday 9th July I had to work the Durham Miners Gala, traditionally a day for all the people from the collieries in the area to display their banners and play their bands. Now, it's just an excuse for idiots to get pissed and fight between themselves, there's not a lot of 'pit pride' left and whatever pride is left has been hijacked by left wingers who probably never worked in or even seen a pit. I didn't enjoy the day and was glad when it finished.
However I did get to spend the evening with a whole bunch of lovely people at The Talbot pub in Bishopton. Great set of people who are my new family!
Sunday I went to Ridewell bike show at Preston Park Cleveland with Kelly and my son Oliver. Had a great day and apart from a couple of showers, the weather was fine. This event is set up by the police to encourage bikers to show off their bikes and set up stalls. The point is education and teach bikers and future bikers that the cops are not there to dish tickets out, they want to show bikers correct riding skills and encourage safer road sense. My brother and sister in law are both very involved with this and the event is well attended. Showing bikers and cops 'hand in hand' saving lives.
Kelly is getting to grips with the new camera, she's a natural and is loving the new challenge. She has a wonderful enthusiasm that is infectious, a perfectionist I could only wish to mirror. I have no doubt she will be an excellent photographer and will be famous in the future. In fact we gave her first official print to members of the family for their 50th wedding anniversary as a present, they were over the moon. It was a cracking shot of Catbells over Derwentwater, amazing!
Ok that's it for now, start of a week of night shifts. Catch you later.

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