Thursday, 21 July 2011

Try again....

The other day i spend an hour typing up my blog and then pressed 'Preview', only to see it vanish before my very eyes.  I was fuming and I've decided to type it up on the laptop instead of the IPad so i can add piccys too.  Kelly mentioned my blog is a bit dull without the pics, well i hope it was just the lack of pics and not the content.  Although reading about someone randoms 'goings on' must be slightly dull, but Ive read other blogs (not mentioning names) and its like watching paint dry, maybe that's what some think of mine. 
Before I forget, I phoned i phoned the car dealer again today, 7 weeks since we ordered the new car and its still not arrived.  A different salesman answered the phone today so i picked his brains about the amount of time we've had to wait.  He sounded a bit embarrassed and said it was unusual the time it's taking and said he'd speak to the bloke who'd sold the car to us.  About an hour later the bloke who had sold it phoned and he said it hadn't even landed in the UK yet.  I did say i was disappointed and we've been given (collect tomorrow) a courtesy car until ours arrives.  Is it just me or does every carsales person sound like they're bullshitting you all the time?!
So, after a busy week at work and a new way the system works, I'm glad for a bit of time to chill and look back.  Before we used to have an exclusive area to work and patrol, makes sense as you get to know the local 'clients' and normal people.  Now we are at the beck and call of the whole of the East Coast of Durham.  Considering it's quite a big area we are now covering there's a possibility we could actually have to 'Blue Light' for 15 minutes to an area we are not familiar with.  The jury's out and we'll wait and see what the outcome is.  But like everything the force does, it'll probably change in 6 months.

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