Sunday before last we decided to have a look at Haweswater and weather permitting go up High Street. Kelly, Alison and me threw our walking kit in the boot and headed off. We drove down the edge of Haweswater and parked at the very end, at the foot of Mardale. It was quite busy even though the weather looked slightly dodgy. Didn't realise Haweswater was made after the old village, Mardale Green was flooded to create a reservoir, apparently the buildings were demolished by The Royal Engineers and the church was dismantled brick by brick and the bricks were used to build the pier at the side of the water. So in 1935 it was created and has grown into the picturesque water that can be seen today.

So we walked over the inlet stream coming down from Small Tarn (pictured above) and hit the footpath for a couple of hundred metres along the side of Haweswater. Alison set the pace and even though it was overcast, the heat was quite unbearable and it wasn't long before a vent stop was needed. We took a sharp left and had a steep climb onto Rough Crag and set off for High Street along some pretty rough terrain. It wasn't the steepest of climbs but definitely got your lungs working and thighs burning. I enjoy a good scramble and like to get hands on the rock. It wasn't as severe as Striding Edge but could get a bit arse twitchy if the weather turned. Before long we had Blea Water (right) in sight and a cracking bit of low cloud to welcome our first sight of the top of High Street. The route was littered with walkers and I had to chuckle to myself as the ones ahead, trundled off into the low cloud and out of sight, it made me think how committed hikers are at 'bagging' peaks. After a few ups and downs we reached the last climb to the summit. We decided to stop for a bite to eat and a quick rethink about the outer layer. We sat down and started to eat, I wasn't exhausted by any stretch of the imagination but was glad of the rest and the refuel. No sooner had I taken a bite out of my ham buttie when a figure appeared behind us, who appeared to be travelling quite fast. Within seconds this figure got closer and we had in our sights the first Fell runner of the day, running up the Crag faster than I run on flat ground. He thundered past and headed off into the low cloud. They amaze me, I couldn't begin to get that fit again, I did spend the mid 90's heading off to south Wales with my mates and running up and down Pen Y Fan and sleeping under my Jeep after downing copious amounts of Guiness at the end. I was very fit then, but now have a dodgy right knee for my trouble.
Anyway, Alison had finished her sandwich and wanted to crack on. Even though she and Kelly are sisters, when it comes to food, you do not rush Kelly. She has every meal and snack planned out well in advance in her head, and if you try and scupper those plans, or even interupt her eating, you run the risk of been thrown off the mountain. Eventually we packed away our kit and started the accent to the top of High Street. Amazingly the cloud lifted as we etched our way to the top. The route was now quite a decent scramble and Long Stile certainly was a very satsifying and the sight of the top was well received. The cloud was still quite low, about head height which was quite spooky.

The summit was very flat and quite a size. There were people milling about at the top, some had come up the Roman Road from the south west and some from the route we intended to take down. we had a surprisingle good view all around the top and the surrounding fells. The cloud was still very low but kept off us. Time was pressing on so we headed south towards Mardale Ill Bell, I really detest the decent, it puts pressure on my knee which I do not enjoy. But the craic was good, kelly was still having a go at Alison (in good humour) about being rushed to finish her bait and now, as we made our way down towards the dip between Harter Fell. The summit of High Street was clearing up and the blue sky was peering through. The views of Blea Tarn were looking quite good, but Kelly wanted the shots from the top, and as we were a considerable way down, she blamed Alison for rushing our break. If we'd stayed at he foot of Long Stile and Kelly had finished her sandwiches, we'd have been at the top and Kelly would have got her much sort after piccys.

We took a left down Nan Bield Pass and headed towards Small (water) Tarn. This route is littered with waterfalls and is quite a pleasent decent. The view of Haweswater is stunning and the surrounding peaks. Kelly was dotting about with the camera, trying her hardest to get some good shots, but still having the time to have a (light hearted) pop at Alison about her short lived bait stop and the cloud cover. On route down there are cheeky little shelters made from slate, have no idea what they're or was used for but they are standing the test of time. The entire route I was eager to see the Golden Eagle which apparently has made it's home in and around Haweswater. I never knew we had any of these magnificent birds of prey in England, the bird is a male and lost his partner about 9 years ago and hasn't left the water since. The RSPB have a view point on Riggindale but we didn't get chance to have a look. (Blea Tarn on left from summit of High Street)

We made our way down and took in the sights of Small Water Beck and the numerous waterfalls. One of the better decents we've done and not too much pressure on the old war wound. The cloud had cleared almost completely and the view of Rough Rigg was stunning from the bottom. The tempreture rose again and we were back in short sleeves and looking forward to the bottom. A view between the bases of Harter Fell and Branstree was spotted by Kelly who took advantage of the stunning blue sky and a small puffy white cloud perched in between. With sight of the carpark we sped up slightly and headed towards the car.

At the bottom we took our boots off and jumped in the car. I'd spotted the 'Le Mardale' hotel on route to the car park and we decided we'd have a pint there to chat about the day. Nice little bar there and a beer garden with a cracking view (left). The conversation reverted back to the bait incident and Kelly had 2 bags of crisps on the go. We all definately enjoyed the day and Alison had managed to get rid of the hangover she's aquirred trying to keep up with Kelly on the Pinot the night before, another thing you don't mess with Kelly about. Two pints went down a treat and we drove back to the caravan to meet Stuart (Alison's Hubby) and Bruce the German Shepherd. For the views it was really nice, but I bet it could be quite naughty in the winter. Two more Wainwright's in the bag!!
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