Tuesday, 9 August 2011


This wont be a long blog as I've only been working and not doing much else.  However i do feel i need to say something about the riots.  I can remember the riots in the 80's, i was a lot younger then but still couldn't understand why they did it then.  I wasn't an angel but i was respectful, if a cop looked at me I looked down and felt small, very very small.  My respect was down to my parents, both very much working class, dad was in the steel industry and mom was a dinner lady, so not much money coming in but they did their best and had to save for birthdays and Xmas.  I respected this and respected them. The early 80's was quite a tough time and jobs weren't easy to come by.  I left school in 1983 with one O level and even then wish I'd done better.  I had no money and no transport, i ironed a shirt and trousers and put on my best togs and walked into town.  I went to ever single shop, stall and business and asked if they had jobs going.  I must have done this for weeks, going into the job centre every hour to see if anything had come in.  I did not blame anyone or anything for my struggle to get work.  I felt ashamed that i didn't have a job and it was only the first 2 weeks of leaving school.  I was friends with a few lads who were in the same boat but decided to turn to criminal means to find money.  I will admit, i did a few things myself but the guilt was unbearable so decided i need a job.  After numerous interviews i finally go a YTS position in the water board, i was delighted.  At this time, one of my friends went to prison for burglary and for some reason i felt a massive weight off my shoulders.  He was away from me and i could crack on with life, I've never seen him since.  His parents were uncaring and unemployed.  He had no role models or reason to work as his parents took everything from the state and his dad was a criminal so he thought it was OK to be the same. 
I looked at him and saw the 'people' i see on TV now rioting in the country.  It's not because they are hard done by or stop searched to many times, it's because they are lazy ignorant and don't want to work as they can earn enough from the state. 
I was having a coffee with my future mom in law about the miners strike, i had left school and the water board i worked for had to close as the union had come out in support for the miners.  One day i went to Orgreave and watched the miners fighting with the police, i felt so embarrassed to be working class when i saw the miners rolling telegraph poles set alight at the cops at the bottom of the coking plant hill.  The cops just stepped over it and stood straight and proud.  The miners were drunk and smoking and i looked and thought no pride, no allegiance and no connection to these people.  If they had any pride they would have done what i did and looked for work, it was this occasion i realised i was working class, but not a socialist. 
My dad was a labour supporter but wasn't a socialist, he just believed it was right to vote labour as he worked in the steel industry.  But he was never a socialist, his views were very British.  He was pro Jewish (which is probs where i get it from) but believed a man had a right to work, but didn't think it was a god given right. Basically you had to find your work, not be given work.  My mom was the same and on numerous occasions said to me "get out there and find it, no ones gonna give a job to someone who's not bothered".
I see Tweets about the riots stating the 'kids' have a point and there's nothing been done for them, so they have a point!?!?  No they don't, they are molly coddled by a country who don't wanna offend them.
The riots in he 80's had no point as far as I'm concerned, neither do these riots.  But what do i know being 'working' class, not sponging looting class!!

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